

I got around to the charity office yesterday to donate 2 bags of things I no longer have use for. It wasn't an easy process because I did put back about 3 things in the morning before I left the house. Nonetheless, it was the first step. The first bags are always the easiest and then it gets harder.

I managed to find a charity office that is smack in the fringe of town, not so out of the way like most of them. SCWO, Singapore's Council of Women Organisations sound fitting for me and so I went. They have a thrift store which opens during the week. There is also a design school next to them which makes it fitting. Design students are always looking for bargains and they do not mind old clothes, this place also serves as a stop for them to look for cheap materials to recycle. I feel good donating to such a place knowing that they will not simply throw things out for no reasons.

I am going to try to make this a weekly event. I will try to get rid of things during the week. I have already set up a box in the corner of the room where I will dump the things I think I do not need and then pack them towards the end of the week for a trip to the charity office. I will then make use of that trip to reward myself with a delicious lunch in town. Sounds extravagant but rewards are always good, and no one said minimalism means cheap.

I haven't so much as to re-organise my storage space. As many people said, decluttering is not about organising. Hence, I am waiting for a good time to rearrange my space with only the things that are useful to me. At the moment, I am merely picking things from everywhere. I am not developing a system of decluttering just yet because I feel it is a bit extreme for the beginning. I am sure a method will be developed and surface in due time.

I am trying to make it point to be ruthless and to make the trip worthwhile. I will fill up at least 2 bags in the beginning, making them full, making them as much as I can carry on the bus to the charity office. I made a trip on Thursday and I will be near the charity office on Saturday, which makes it worth another donation. I am excited and scared at the same time. I keep asking myself what if I miss some things, what if I am getting rid of things that I will need. I don't have the answers for those questions just yet. I am simply ridding what seems obvious for now.

I hope this journey will continue and I will not face any inertia. Joining the FB group on Minimalism is one of the best motivations.

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