

We recently inherited a tin, an Altoid tin of sort. We got it from a colleague after she finished her candy. We have been thinking of what to use that tin for but nothing good came up yet. We are thinking of turning it into a spice tin since we are so into cooking these days. Here are some ideas:

A survival kit.

Not quite sure about this artificial mini zen garden. Looks cute but pretty useless.

Loving this cool idea of a paint palette.

1 comment:

  1. I collected those tins for last year's Christmas stocking gifts and cut scrap paper that I had levtover and gave them filled with paper to my Christmas list. It is handy to carry around in a purse or pocket but I didn't put in a little pencil or pen. but no one complained. My grandkids loved them!! For the adults, I printed their name, address, email address, etc. on the paper before I cut it and there they had business cards that didn't wear out because they were protected by the tin! I love recycling!! Linda G
