We crocheted some plastic bags a while ago and made a shopping bag out of them. Here are pictures of our FF crocheted plastic bag bag and pictures of how to prepare your plastic bag yarn (step by step from hellejorgenson).

We shredded those spare plastic bags into yarn and made them into a big tote for marketing and picnic. We gave this to a friend who relocated. It made a surprisingly memorable leaving present because it is made out of bags from most of the supermarkets and convenient stores in town.

The bags I use are thin shopping bags with handles. They come mostly in white, greys, blues and greens. Occassionally I find a pink,red or orange bag but these are very rare. Make sure the bags are clean. Wash and dry if necessary.

Flatten the seams and smooth the wrinkles.

Fold the bag longitudinally into a 2.5 - 3cm wide strip. Handles at one end and bottom seam at the other.

Cut off handles and bottom seam. These can be used for other embellishments. See Cunjevoi Garden.

Cut remaining folded strip into 'biscuits' to whatever width you prefer. A good width is approximately 2cm. I use a 2.5mm - 3mm steel crochet hook for this width.

Unfold biscuits (loops). Knot loops together into one long piece of double-stranded yarn.

Tighten the knot.

Resulting double-stranded yarn.

Wind the yarn up into balls.

The bags I use are thin shopping bags with handles. They come mostly in white, greys, blues and greens. Occassionally I find a pink,red or orange bag but these are very rare. Make sure the bags are clean. Wash and dry if necessary.

Flatten the seams and smooth the wrinkles.

Fold the bag longitudinally into a 2.5 - 3cm wide strip. Handles at one end and bottom seam at the other.

Cut off handles and bottom seam. These can be used for other embellishments. See Cunjevoi Garden.

Cut remaining folded strip into 'biscuits' to whatever width you prefer. A good width is approximately 2cm. I use a 2.5mm - 3mm steel crochet hook for this width.

Unfold biscuits (loops). Knot loops together into one long piece of double-stranded yarn.

Tighten the knot.

Resulting double-stranded yarn.

Wind the yarn up into balls.
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