


This is the part of the year we love and dread at the same time. We love it because it is the end of what is a terrible Chinese year of the snake, something good has to come out of life next year. Nothing can beat this year really. The part we hate, is spring cleaning our rooms and our emotions. It is the time to rethink, reboot, rearrange, reorganise, re... everything.

We have been clearing out loads of old clothes which we will be donating to the Salvation Army. There are so many old clothes passed down to us. They are either not our style or well, just not a nice fit. Everyone has a different body shape and there is a reason why a sister or a cousin bought that fashion piece and we did not.

We are running out of storage space. There are things under our beds, stuffed in corners of the room...etc. This is how we are discipling ourselves to 'spring clean' this year. Have a read and let us know your rules.

  • BE RUTHLESS. This is it. Do not be sentimental! The clothes that you have not worn for the last 6 months are probably something you will not touch for a while anyway. If it is out of style, just get rid of it. Don't think that you can hold onto it till it comes get into fashion. Chances are, you would probably look out of date anyway.
  • RETURN WHAT YOU BORROWED. Yes, these things take up space and they are simply not healthy for your friendships if you hog them.
  • PASS IT ON. This is the season of giving. So, if you happen to clear out something you do not need anymore, why not pass it to a friend who might find it useful anyway?
  • BE MINIMALISTIC. Look at the tabletops and chest tops...etc., chances are if you have clutters, you are keeping things that you do not need. We always think that if someone can live off a suitcase for weeks, one does not need that many things in their lives.
  • DO NOT INDULGE IN FREEBIES. We love to take the odd soap from our hotel stays. But one too many soaps is just too much. How long does it take for us to use a bar of soap? Almost like forever? So, keep those freebies at bay.
  • RE-GIVE. We know this sounds weird and perhaps even a little mean. So often we receive gifts that are not suitable. They are just not something we would use, or something we will never wear. So, because of this, we seldom buy gifts. There is a goodness in 'recycling' your gifts. Re-give it to someone who might like it. This helps the economy, or at least YOUR economy and it is a form of sustainable living too.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Whew! Cleaning sure is a daunting task, and I admire that you shared some insights to help those who are planning to do a cleaning project. Thanks! Aside from clearing out a bunch of clothes, I suggest that one must also consider cleaning their place to prevent molds and bacteria to build-up. Good day! :)

Bo Tolbert @ HJSSupply

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