


We love our series because watching plain old terrestrial TV where we are is plain boring. We love to watch all these series, and Mondays are our favorite because so many of them have their episodes available to us. Without commercials too. Awesome. Here are some which have their seasons running at the moment. We follow a lot more of course, being the junkies we are.

This is not very us. But the cast and the set is great. The story is slow but if you leave a few episodes and watch them in a row, you get some satisfaction somehow. Not our favorite amidst all the choices.

We are suckers for zombies movies. We know the plot already since it is from a graphic novel. Nonetheless, the actors are great, the makeup too. Any zombie movies rock. Yea, we know, we are geeks.

Beautiful cast. What else can we say. We think it is a female thing. It ain't bad. Guys squirm when they know we are watching this, but hey, you guys watch your own flicks too.

Love him, love Deborah, love the title sequence, love the poster. Though, the poster seems to be inspired by a scammed advertising campaign. Love Dexter, always look forward to the episodes.

Who do not love The Big Bang Theory? The geeks, Penny, Seldon, all the actors and actresses who regurgitate their lines. Funny funny funny. Ohhh, hilarious jewish portrayal too. All so true. Mommy's boy and possessive mother.

We are still catching this although Sheen is gone. Aston isn't as funny but we do love the writers, that is why we are still watching it. Jake and Alan are still funny. 20 minutes of pastime per week, why not? Just skip the Aston part.

We think they are all funny, with the exception of Ted. So, why not.

He is good TV material. Love the way Ramsay swears. We know a lot of you guys do not like it but it is simply British, or in his case, Scottish. They do swear a lot. Big deal, get over it. It is great to watch, sometimes inspiring and also hilarious.

Believe it or not, this is one of the best reality cooking shows. Full of real talents age 12 and below, with such knowledge and guts they will put all of us to shame. They have such cuddly innocence that you really feel for them.

What else are you catching this season, care to share?

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